The MISSION of the Chatham Conservation Partnership (CCP) is to develop and implement strategies for a community conservation vision that builds awareness, protection and stewardship of Chatham County's natural resources.
CCP Field Trip - Birds (photo by Allison Schwarz Weakley, April 2018)
The CCP is a collaboration of local, state and federal government agencies, non-profit organizations, businesses, universities, and individuals who work together on natural resource conservation programs and issues in Chatham County.
The CCP is a collaboration of local, state and federal government agencies, non-profit organizations, businesses, universities, and individuals who work together on natural resource conservation programs and issues in Chatham County.
CCP meetings are held quarterly (January, April, July & October), and are open to anyone who has an interest in Chatham County's natural resources. We invite you to attend and participate at the level you feel comfortable. See Upcoming Events & Meetings for more information.
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