October 2021

Resources from the October 21, 2021 CCP Quarterly Zoom Meeting

Healthy Yard Alternatives: Leave Your Leaves and Reduce Your Lawn

Visual and audible recording of the Leave the Leaves meeting HERE

Barbara Driscoll of the New Hope Audubon Society talked about the benefits of leaving your leaves; Chatham County Cooperative Extension Horticulture Agent Matt Jones talked about Lawn Alternatives; CCP Steering Committee member Allison Weakley shared a local landowner example of a wildflower meadow; and Chatham County Cooperative Extension Sustainable Agriculture Agent Debbie Roos gave a virtual tour of her Pollinator Paradise Demonstration Garden through the seasons.

Speaker Presentations:
Barbara Driscoll, New Hope Audubon Society, Leave Your Leaves Presentation

Matt Jones, Chatham County Cooperative Extension Horticulture Agent, Lawn Alternatives Presentation

Allison Weakly, Chatham Conservation Partnership Member, Local Landowner's Wildflower Meadow Presentation

Debbie Roos, Chatham County Cooperative Extension Sustainable Agriculture Agent, Pollinator Paradise Demonstration Garden Virtual Tour Presentation

Some Resources for Further Learning:

New Hope Audubon Society

Leave your Leaves – Keep Durham Beautiful

Organic Lawn Care – NC State Extension

Establishing Moss in Gardens – NC State Extension

NC Extension Gardener Handbook

TurfFiles – NC State Extension

North Carolina Extension Gardener Plant Toolbox

Pollinator Paradise Demonstration Garden – NC State Extension

Chatham County Native Plant Nurseries:

Leave your Leaves October 2021.pdf
Lawn AlternativesOctober 2021.pdf
Landowner Example of a Lawn Alternative October 2021.pdf
Virtual Garden Tour October 2021.pdf