October 2024

Brake for Wildlife! Transportation Planning for Better Solutions

October 17, 2024 CCP Quarterly Meeting

This meeting was held in-person at the Chatham Community Library, Holmes Meeting Room, 197 NC-87, Pittsboro, NC 27312.

Wildlife needs to move across the landscape to find habitats for breeding, foraging, and raising young. Roads are barriers to wildlife movement. The October CCP meeting focused on what state and regional organizations are doing to facilitate safe passage of wildlife under roads in Chatham County, including the Metropolitan Planning Organization's (MPO) newly adopted Wildlife Crossings Plan, which includes eastern Chatham County. 

Meeting Agenda

Please note that this was an IN-PERSON meeting and was not recorded. 

Meeting Resources


Triangle Connectivity Collaborative Strategic Action Plan

Durham Connectivity Study.pdf

Landscape Habitat Connectivity Analysis for the Upper Neuse and New Hope Creek Watersheds


NCDOT - NCWRC Wildlife Passage Guidance

DCHC MPO Wildlife Crossings Plan Full Adopted 11192024 Smaller.pdf

Durham-Chapel Hill-Carrboro MPO Wildlife Crossings Plan